ARCC's strength in Petrochemical construction is demonstrated very well in the projects completed over the years. Some of the major projects include the Sabic Sharq 3rd Ethylene Expansion with EPC Contractor Shaw Stone and Webster, the NCP North Plot Project – Ethylene Cracking Furnace with Saudi Polymers Company under the EPC Company JGC Gulf, Petrorabigh Naptha and Aromatics (RP 2) under Snamprogetti, Sadara Port Facilities direct contract with Sadara, the Jubail United Ethylene Project with Chiyoda, Sadara Mixed Feed Cracking Furnace with Daelim, Samco Acrylic Acid Plant with Samsung, Yanpet U10 Project with eTEC, Wide Affiliates Replacement of EO Reactor with Dragados, the Al Bayroni Ammonia Energization Optimization Project (ABEOP) with Saudi Toyo Engineering Company (SATEC) and several furnace and reformers rehabilitation and modification works.